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How can small businesses get started with PR?

Recently, I was fortunate to be asked to guest on a podcast hosted by  Shannon Jean and Dave Hamilton. I've known Shannon for many years, and watched him successfully grow several startup businesses — most notably TechRestore (urgent care for Macs and iDevices). Dave is also somebody I've been known for a long time, but mainly as a disembodied voice on the excellent MacGeekGab podcast (to which you should definitely subscribe if you like tinkering with Macs and iOS kit, or if, like me, you are the designated IT department in your family).

Anyway, I only just found out that these guys go back some way together, and have recently hooked up to produce a new podcast: The Small Business Show. Each week, they share the experiences they've gleaned from starting and growing small businesses; I recommend it if you're running your own biz as you'll no doubt learn something useful each week.

OK - so without further ado, here's podcast. In which we talk about all matters PR and social media, with a particular focus on small businesses.

See this content in the original post

Some of the things we natter about:

  • Why striking out on your own sometimes requires a push
  • What is PR, anyway?
  • What steps should a small business take to get started with PR?
  • Finding a story and a voice for your business.
  • How to balance promoting your own business while you're busy serving your clients.
  • My somewhat disorganized bizdev efforts. Lessons to be learned here!